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Dictionary definition of spurn
To reject or refuse something or someone with disdain, contempt, or scorn.
"The wealthy heiress would spurn any man who didn't meet her standards."
Detailed meaning of spurn
When individuals spurn, they not only decline or turn down an offer or proposal but also do so in a way that conveys a strong sense of rejection or contemptuous dismissal. This term is often used to describe actions or attitudes that demonstrate a complete lack of interest or approval, often accompanied by a sense of superiority or disdain for the subject being spurned. For example, someone might spurn an apology offered insincerely or spurn an unwelcome romantic advance with a sense of scorn. "Spurn" emphasizes the idea of a deliberate and often scornful rejection, highlighting the strong negative sentiment or judgment associated with the act.
Example sentences containing spurn
1. She couldn't help but spurn his advances after his betrayal.
2. The company decided to spurn the merger offer.
3. Despite his wealth, he was spurned by the social elite.
4. He spurned the opportunity to mend their broken relationship.
5. She spurned the gift, feeling it was insincere.
6. The team's captain would never spurn a challenge.
History and etymology of spurn
The verb 'spurn' has its roots in Middle English, where it was spelled as 'spurnen.' It is believed to be derived from the Old English word 'spurnan,' which meant 'to kick' or 'to push away with the foot.' In its early usage, 'spurn' referred to the act of rejecting or refusing something or someone with disdain, contempt, or scorn, much like the way one might kick an unwanted object away. It conveys a sense of forceful rejection, often accompanied by a strong expression of disdain or contempt. As the term evolved into modern English, it retained this core meaning, describing the action of disdainfully rejecting or refusing something or someone, often with a sense of contemptuous dismissal. The etymology of 'spurn' underscores the concept of forceful rejection, emphasizing the act of pushing away or dismissing something or someone with disdain.
Further usage examples of spurn
1. He chose to spurn conventional wisdom and pursue his dreams.
2. The diplomat's rude behavior spurned international cooperation.
3. She couldn't believe he would spurn her heartfelt apology.
4. The artist's unique style was often spurned by critics.
5. The political candidate spurned negative campaign tactics.
6. He spurned fame and lived a quiet, humble life.
7. She decided to spurn convention and follow her passion.
8. His arrogance caused others to spurn his friendship.
9. Despite adversity, they refused to spurn their ideals.
10. The chef would never spurn an opportunity to create.
11. She felt the need to spurn societal expectations.
12. The entrepreneur's innovative ideas were initially spurned.
13. They vowed to spurn injustice and fight for equality.
14. The organization decided to spurn corporate sponsorship.
15. She decided to spurn his advances and walk away.
16. The company chose to spurn the merger offer.
17. Despite his sincere apology, she continued to spurn him.
18. The politician's controversial remarks caused many voters to spurn him.
19. The team captain decided to spurn the endorsement deal.
20. She couldn't resist the temptation and chose to spurn her diet.
21. The artist decided to spurn conventional techniques and explore new mediums.
22. The athlete decided to spurn the lucrative contract and stay with his current team.
23. The author chose to spurn the publishing deal and self-publish his book.
24. The dog seemed to spurn the new brand of dog food.
25. The company's decision to spurn environmental regulations caused public outrage.
26. The professor decided to spurn the traditional textbook and write her own course material.
27. The artist's unique style caused some art collectors to spurn his work.
28. The entrepreneur decided to spurn investors and bootstrap his startup.,,
Denial and Defiance, Middle School 3, Renunciation and Suspension
Synonyms for spurn
Quiz categories containing spurn
reject, accept, welcome, cherish