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Dictionary definition of stream

A small or narrow flowing body of water.
"The hiker followed the meandering stream through the forest."

Detailed meaning of stream

It typically describes a natural flow of water, such as a brook, creek, or rivulet, though it can also refer to man-made channels or artificial watercourses. Streams are characterized by their continuous movement, often originating from a source, such as a spring or melting snow, and flowing downhill, eventually joining larger bodies of water such as rivers or lakes. Streams can vary in size, ranging from a mere trickle to a larger waterway, and their flow can be influenced by factors such as rainfall, terrain, and seasonal variations. They play a vital role in the hydrological cycle, transporting water, sediment, and nutrients, while also providing habitats for various aquatic organisms. Streams are important features in landscapes, contributing to the overall ecological balance and serving as sources of freshwater for human activities.

Example sentences of stream

1. We sat by the babbling stream, enjoying the peaceful sound of flowing water.
2. The children played in the shallow stream, splashing and laughing.
3. The stream widened into a small pond, creating a tranquil oasis.
4. The fisherman cast his line into the sparkling stream, hoping for a catch.
5. The gentle breeze carried the scent of flowers along the stream.
6. The stream carved a path through the rocky terrain, creating a picturesque landscape.

History and etymology of stream

The noun 'stream' has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. In Old English, it was 'streám,' which referred to a small or narrow flowing body of water. This word is related to similar terms in Old High German and Old Norse. The etymology of 'stream' emphasizes the flowing nature of such bodies of water, which are characterized by a continuous and gentle movement. Over time, 'stream' has remained a fundamental word in English to describe these natural watercourses, whether they are meandering through a picturesque landscape or serving as essential components of ecosystems and water systems.

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Further usage examples of stream

1. Ducks and geese swam gracefully in the calm stream.
2. The old mill was powered by the rushing waters of the nearby stream.
3. We crossed the stream by stepping on the smooth stones scattered across its width.
4. The stream was home to a variety of aquatic plants and creatures.
5. We followed the stream's course until it merged with the wide river downstream.
6. We sat by the clear stream, listening to its gentle babble.
7. The stream meandered through the lush forest, glistening in the sunlight.
8. He hiked along the rocky trail, following the stream's course.
9. The stream was teeming with fish, a paradise for anglers.
10. Children giggled as they splashed in the shallow stream.
11. The stream's murmur provided a soothing background for our picnic.
12. A quaint bridge spanned the stream, connecting the two villages.
13. The stream's banks were adorned with colorful wildflowers.
14. We enjoyed a refreshing swim in the cool mountain stream.
15. The stream's water was crystal clear, inviting us to take a sip.
16. Ducks glided gracefully on the serene surface of the stream.
17. The old mill was powered by the stream's flowing water.
18. A footbridge provided a picturesque view of the stream below.
19. We crossed the stream using stepping stones to stay dry.
20. The stream's gentle flow created a tranquil atmosphere.
21. We followed the stream to discover its hidden waterfall.
22. The stream's rippling current was a melody to our ears.
23. The stream wound its way through the valley, nourishing the land.
24. Frogs croaked by the stream on warm summer evenings.
25. We camped near the stream, lulled to sleep by its soft sounds.



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