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Dictionary definition of supplant

To replace or substitute someone or something, often in a forceful or deceitful manner.
"He hoped to supplant his rival as the company's top salesperson."

Detailed meaning of supplant

It suggests that the new person or thing is intended to take the place of the old one entirely, and may even displace it completely. Supplanting can occur in a variety of contexts, from personal relationships to business or political settings. It can involve the use of power or influence to undermine or displace someone, or the introduction of a superior or more advanced alternative to replace an existing one. In some cases, supplanting can be seen as a necessary step in bringing about progress or improvement, while in others it can be viewed as unethical or unfair.

Example sentences containing supplant

1. Rapid technological advancements in automation will inevitably supplant numerous manual labor jobs.
2. Streaming services like Netflix and Hulu began to supplant traditional cable television several years ago.
3. As soon as the young lion becomes stronger, it will supplant the older one as the leader of the pack.
4. The coach made a strategic decision to supplant the injured player with a more fit one.
5. Mobile payment systems have started to supplant cash transactions in many parts of the world.
6. Many educators believe that online learning can never completely supplant face-to-face interactions between teachers and students.

History and etymology of supplant

The verb 'supplant' has its etymological origins in the Old French word 'supplanter,' which means 'to trip up' or 'to overthrow.' It can be traced further back to the Latin 'supplantare,' a combination of 'sub-' (meaning 'under') and 'planta' (signifying 'sole' or 'foot'). 'Supplant' describes the action of replacing or substituting someone or something, often in a forceful or deceitful manner, as if undermining or tripping up what was previously in place. The term embodies the idea of a calculated and often aggressive maneuver to take another's position or role. 'Supplant' is frequently used in contexts of competition, power struggles, or the displacement of one thing or person by another, highlighting the sometimes ruthless nature of such acts of substitution. It reflects the human inclination for strategic moves to gain advantage or assert dominance, even at the expense of others.

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Further usage examples of supplant

1. Electric cars are on track to supplant gasoline-powered vehicles in the next few decades.
2. The king's younger brother plotted to supplant him and take over the throne.
3. Digital books and online resources have begun to supplant printed textbooks in schools.
4. The new software will supplant the old one once all the data is transferred.
5. It is only a matter of time before renewable energy sources supplant fossil fuels as the primary source of power.
6. The use of artificial intelligence in healthcare can supplant many tasks traditionally performed by humans.
7. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have started to supplant traditional forms of communication like phone calls and text messages.
8. Online shopping continues to supplant brick-and-mortar stores as consumers' preferred method of purchasing goods.
9. Modern medicine has helped supplant many ancient remedies and practices that were once widely accepted.
10. The rise of video streaming platforms like YouTube has started to supplant traditional television broadcasting.
11. In a few years, voice-activated devices will supplant manual switches and remotes for controlling household appliances.
12. As technology advances, it's possible that virtual reality experiences will supplant traditional forms of entertainment like movies and concerts.
13. It is hoped that new, more effective treatments will soon be developed to supplant current methods of managing chronic pain.
14. Dark clouds supplant blue skies; a storm is coming, chasing the sun away.
15. Smart devices supplant books; paper fades, screens illuminate our eyes.
16. Robots supplant human jobs, bringing efficiency yet unemployment too.
17. E-books supplant print; shelves are empty, but data storage overflows.
18. AI voices supplant human singers; emotion in music is now programmed.
19. Online learning did supplant classrooms; students adapt, traditions fade.
20. Drones supplant delivery drivers; skies buzz, roads are left silent.
21. E-money will supplant cash; wallets lighten, but digital accounts grow.
22. Autonomous cars supplant drivers; roads are safer, but jobs are lost.
23. 3D printing methods supplant traditional manufacturing; innovation peaks.

Suffix -ant, SAT 18 (Scholastic Assessment Test), High School 8, Adaptability and Resilience


displace, retain, maintain, preserve



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