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Dictionary definition of comeuppance

The deserved consequences or punishment that someone receives for their actions, especially when those actions are considered wrong or immoral.
"The thief got his comeuppance when he was caught and sent to jail."

Detailed meaning of comeuppance

It can be seen as a form of poetic justice or retribution for bad behavior. The term is often used to describe a situation in which someone who has been behaving badly or unfairly is finally held accountable for their actions. A person's comeuppance can take many forms, such as being exposed and shamed in public, losing their job or status, facing legal consequences, or simply experiencing a loss of respect or credibility. The word "comeuppance" suggests a sense of satisfaction or justice that comes from seeing someone get what they deserve, and is often used in a lighthearted or humorous way.

Example sentences containing comeuppance

1. He finally faced his comeuppance for his dishonesty.
2. The villain's comeuppance was long overdue.
3. Her deceitful behavior led to a well-deserved comeuppance.
4. Karma delivered a swift comeuppance to the wrongdoer.
5. The dishonest politician's comeuppance was a loss of trust.
6. He smirked until his comeuppance caught up with him.

History and etymology of comeuppance

The noun 'comeuppance' is an interesting term with a somewhat elusive etymology. Its origins are not entirely clear, but it appears to have emerged in American English during the late 19th century. While the precise source of the word is uncertain, its structure suggests a blend of the phrase 'come up' and the suffix '-ance.' 'Come up' implies facing the consequences of one's actions, and the addition of '-ance' turns it into a noun denoting the result or state of facing those consequences. 'Comeuppance' has since become a colloquial term in English to describe the deserved retribution or punishment that someone receives for their actions, particularly when those actions are perceived as wrongful or immoral. Its origin remains somewhat mysterious, but its meaning is well understood in contemporary language.

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Further usage examples of comeuppance

1. The antagonist's comeuppance came in the final showdown.
2. Cheaters often receive their comeuppance in the end.
3. Justice prevailed, and the criminal got his comeuppance.
4. The con artist's comeuppance was a prison sentence.
5. She gloated until her comeuppance humbled her.
6. The corrupt executive faced a legal comeuppance.
7. Pride often precedes a humbling comeuppance.
8. The deceitful scheme led to a public comeuppance.
9. In literature, villains often meet their comeuppance.
10. The fraudster's financial comeuppance was bankruptcy.
11. Arrogance can blind one to their impending comeuppance.
12. The cheating athlete's comeuppance was a lifetime ban.
13. The deceiver's comeuppance served as a cautionary tale.
14. His actions brought about a comeuppance he never expected.
15. The villain finally got his comeuppance in the end.
16. He deserved his comeuppance after years of mistreating his employees.
17. The cheating athlete got his comeuppance when he was caught and banned from competition.
18. The rude customer got her comeuppance when the waiter refused to serve her.
19. The corrupt politician got his comeuppance when he was exposed and forced to resign.
20. The bully finally got his comeuppance when his victims banded together and stood up to him.
21. The deceitful business partner got her comeuppance when the truth was revealed and she lost everything.
22. The selfish roommate got her comeuppance when she was left alone and without any friends.
23. The lazy employee got his comeuppance when he was fired for consistently poor performance.
24. The arrogant actor got his comeuppance when his career tanked after a series of box office flops.
25. The gossiping coworker got her comeuppance when her lies were exposed and she became an outcast.

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