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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce conspirator (audio)

Dictionary definition of conspirator

An individual who participates in a conspiracy, which is a secret plan or agreement formed by a group of people to carry out an unlawful or harmful act.
"The police arrested the alleged conspirator after months of investigation."

Detailed meaning of conspirator

A conspirator is someone who conspires with others, actively engaging in plotting, scheming, or collaborating in the execution of a nefarious plan or shared objective. Typically, conspirators work together covertly, maintaining secrecy and discretion to avoid detection or legal consequences. Their involvement may entail planning illegal activities, subverting authority, or undermining established systems. Conspirators can be found in various contexts, such as political, criminal, or clandestine organizations, where they operate in collusion, acting against the interests of others or in pursuit of personal gain. The term "conspirator" carries a negative connotation, denoting involvement in illicit or subversive activities that threaten stability, security, or trust.

Example sentences containing conspirator

1. The conspirator revealed critical information to the authorities.
2. The conspirator's identity remained hidden for years.
3. The court sentenced the primary conspirator to life in prison.
4. The authorities interrogated each suspected conspirator.
5. The conspirator's testimony led to the group's arrest.
6. The conspirator played a key role in the coup attempt.

History and etymology of conspirator

The noun 'conspirator' originates from the Latin word 'conspirator,' which is derived from 'conspirare,' combining 'con-' meaning 'together' and 'spirare' meaning 'to breathe.' This etymology intriguingly conveys the essence of 'conspirator' as an individual who is figuratively 'breathing together' with others in a secret plan or agreement. It implies a collective effort among a group of individuals who have come together in a clandestine manner to carry out an unlawful or harmful act. The term 'conspirator' maintains its etymological connection to the idea of working together in a covert scheme, emphasizing the collaborative and often secretive nature of conspiracies and those who participate in them.

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Further usage examples of conspirator

1. The conspirator's confession implicated several others.
2. Law enforcement pursued the elusive conspirator.
3. The conspirator's actions threatened national security.
4. The mastermind behind the plot recruited loyal conspirators.
5. The conspirator's motives remained a mystery.
6. The group of conspirators met in secret to plan their scheme.
7. The conspirator's treacherous actions shocked the nation.
8. The conspirator plotted to undermine the government.
9. The conspirator's betrayal led to a major security breach.
10. The conspirator attempted to sabotage the election.
11. The conspirator's arrest marked a major breakthrough.
12. The group of conspirators aimed to destabilize the region.
13. The conspirator's involvement in the plot was exposed.
14. The authorities tracked down and arrested the last conspirator.
15. The trial revealed the identities of the conspirators behind the assassination plot.
16. The meeting was attended by several high-ranking conspirators involved in the coup attempt.
17. The evidence pointed towards a network of conspirators operating within the organization.
18. The conspirator's confession shed light on the intricate details of the conspiracy.
19. The conspirators were charged with treason and conspiracy to commit a heinous crime.
20. The journalist exposed the identities of the corrupt conspirators in her investigative report.
21. The trial aimed to determine the level of involvement of each alleged conspirator.
22. The conspirators meticulously planned their actions, leaving behind minimal traces of their activities.
23. The whistleblower's testimony provided crucial information about the conspirators' operations.
24. The conspirator attempted to evade capture by fleeing the country.
25. The court sentenced the lead conspirator to life imprisonment for his role in the conspiracy.

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