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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce former (audio)

Dictionary definition of former

Existed or held a particular status or position in the past but no longer does.
"She ran into her former high school teacher at the grocery store."

Detailed meaning of former

It denotes a previous or earlier state, condition, role, or identity. When used to describe a person, "former" indicates that the individual previously held a specific title, occupation, or role but has since moved on or transitioned to something different. For example, a former president refers to someone who previously served as the head of a nation but is no longer in office. In a broader sense, "former" can describe objects, places, or things that were once in a certain state or had a previous function or purpose. It highlights the temporal aspect, emphasizing the change or transition from the past to the present. Overall, the adjective "former" indicates a past state or identity that is no longer current or applicable.

Example sentences containing former

1. The former CEO of the company now serves on the board of directors.
2. The actress returned to her former glory with a critically acclaimed performance.
3. He reminisced about his former life as a professional athlete.
4. The building was once a former warehouse but has since been converted into apartments.
5. The former residents of the neighborhood organized a reunion to catch up.
6. The team celebrated their former coach's retirement with a heartfelt ceremony.

History and etymology of former

The adjective 'former' traces its etymological lineage to the Middle English term 'forme,' which, in turn, can be traced back to the Old English word 'forma.' This Old English word 'forma' was used to indicate 'first' or 'foremost' in a sequence or order. It evolved from the Proto-Germanic word 'formô,' meaning 'first' or 'before.' Over time, 'former' came to represent someone or something that existed or held a particular status or position in the past but no longer does, maintaining its connection to the idea of something that came before in a sequence or order, signifying a previous state or condition.

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Further usage examples of former

1. The former owners of the house left behind a legacy of beautiful gardens.
2. The politician's former allies turned against him during the scandal.
3. The book offers insights into the former days of the author's youth.
4. The students were excited to welcome a former astronaut as a guest speaker.
5. The town's former mayor was widely respected for her leadership and achievements.
6. The former CEO's resignation shocked the company.
7. She was a former Olympic champion in swimming.
8. The castle's former glory now lay in ruins.
9. The actor's former roles were unforgettable.
10. A former ally became a bitter rival.
11. The former student excelled in his new job.
12. His former mansion stood empty and decaying.
13. The former mayor retired after four terms.
14. The car's former owner meticulously cared for it.
15. The former teacher had a lasting impact.
16. The former capital is now a bustling metropolis.
17. The factory's former workers rallied for fair wages.
18. The former quarterback's jersey was retired.
19. The diplomat's former assignments spanned the globe.
20. The artist's former style evolved dramatically.
21. The journalist's former articles garnered acclaim.
22. The former champion graciously passed the torch.
23. The castle's former residents left behind legends.
24. The astronaut's former missions inspired generations.
25. The athlete's former records still stood unbroken.

TOEFL 11, High School 5, History and Nostalgia


previous, current, existing, present



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