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Dictionary definition of archaic

Extremely old or ancient, often belonging to a distant historical period and no longer in common use or practice.
"The old printing press was an archaic relic of a time before digital media."

Detailed meaning of archaic

When something is labeled as archaic, it suggests that it is outdated, obsolete, or antiquated due to the passage of time and evolving societal norms, technologies, or language. This term is commonly applied to words, phrases, or writing styles that were once prevalent in older forms of language but have since fallen out of everyday usage. Additionally, "archaic" can describe cultural practices, customs, or traditions that were prevalent in bygone eras but have since been replaced by contemporary methods or beliefs. While "archaic" is frequently associated with the past, it can also be used metaphorically to criticize aspects of modern society or technology that are seen as outdated or inefficient, highlighting the importance of progress and adaptation in our ever-changing world.

Example sentences containing archaic

1. The professor's use of archaic language made the text difficult for the students to understand.
2. The old house had an archaic style that reflected the architecture of a bygone era.
3. The traditional gender roles depicted in the movie were considered archaic by contemporary standards.
4. The archaic legal system was in dire need of reform to reflect modern values and principles.
5. The antique furniture in the museum was a testament to archaic styles and craftsmanship.
6. The archaic irrigation system was replaced by modern methods that were more efficient and sustainable.

History and etymology of archaic

The adjective 'archaic' traces its etymology back to the Greek word 'archaikos,' which is derived from 'archaios,' meaning 'ancient' or 'original.' In ancient Greece, 'archaikos' referred to things belonging to an earlier or primitive period, often characterized by their historical or cultural significance. As this term made its way into Latin and later into English, it retained its essence of describing things that are extremely old or ancient, often belonging to a distant historical period and no longer in common use or practice. Thus, when we use the word 'archaic' today, we draw a direct line to its Greek origins, emphasizing its connection to the distant past and the passage of time.

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Further usage examples of archaic

1. The ancient manuscript contained archaic language and symbols that were difficult to decipher.
2. The small village preserved its archaic customs and traditions, giving visitors a glimpse into the past.
3. The old castle stood as a testament to archaic architecture, with its towering stone walls and intricate carvings.
4. The use of handwritten letters has become increasingly archaic in the age of digital communication.
5. The archaeologists uncovered a collection of archaic tools and artifacts that shed light on ancient civilization.
6. The archaic tablet held inscrutable symbols of a lost civilization.
7. Archaic practices persisted in their secluded mountain village.
8. Ancient scrolls unveiled archaic wisdom from bygone eras.
9. Archaic weaponry showcased a forgotten era's combat skills.
10. The archaic dialect was incomprehensible to modern speakers.
11. Archaic beliefs clashed with the progressive world view.
12. Unearthing archaic artifacts shed light on prehistoric cultures.
13. Archaic rituals marked significant milestones in their history.
14. Archaic manuscripts revealed secrets of forgotten civilizations.
15. Archaic laws posed challenges in the evolving legal landscape.
16. Archaic castles stood as living relics of medieval times.
17. The archaic tome held knowledge from ancient sages.
18. He clung to archaic traditions despite societal shifts.
19. Archaic hieroglyphics adorned the temple's walls.
20. The archaic language presented a puzzle for scholars.
21. Archaic tools provided insights into early human innovation.
22. Archaic customs shaped their cultural identity.
23. Ancient myths and legends carried archaic wisdom.
24. The archaic script was an enigma to modern linguists.
25. Archaic scrolls contained hidden knowledge of the past.


ancient, modern, contemporary, current


TOEFL 13, Deterioration and Decline, Duration and Transience, History and Nostalgia

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