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Dictionary definition of breathless
Characterized by a lack of breath or difficulty in breathing.
"The surprise announcement left the audience breathless with excitement."
Detailed meaning of breathless
It is often used metaphorically to convey a sense of intense excitement, astonishment, or exhaustion that leaves one temporarily breathless. When used in a literal sense, it can refer to physical exertion, such as after vigorous exercise or running. However, in a figurative sense, being breathless can denote a feeling of awe, surprise, or being overwhelmed by an event or situation that takes one's breath away. It implies a state of being momentarily speechless or unable to fully recover one's breath due to astonishment, amazement, or extreme emotional or physical exertion.
Example sentences containing breathless
1. She reached the mountaintop, breathless from the arduous climb.
2. The suspenseful movie had me on the edge of my seat, breathless with anticipation.
3. The breathtaking view from the balcony left me breathless.
4. After the intense workout, he was left breathless and drenched in sweat.
5. The sprinter crossed the finish line, breathless and victorious.
6. The thrilling roller coaster ride left me breathless and exhilarated.
History and etymology of breathless
The adjective 'breathless' is formed by combining the word 'breath' with the suffix '-less.' 'Breath' has its origins in Old English, stemming from the word 'bræð,' which referred to the act of breathing or the air inhaled and exhaled during respiration. The suffix '-less,' also of Old English origin, indicates a lack or absence of something. Therefore, when we explore the etymology of 'breathless,' it signifies a condition or state characterized by a lack of breath or the inability to breathe freely. It effectively captures the idea of being in a breath-deprived or suffocating state, which is the essence of its meaning when describing someone or something struggling to breathe.
Further usage examples of breathless
1. The mesmerizing performance by the dancer left the audience breathless in admiration.
2. The shocking revelation in the book left me breathless, unable to turn the page.
3. The swift and intense storm left the town breathless with its destructive power.
4. The breathtaking beauty of the sunset left me breathless, capturing my heart.
5. The thrilling chase scene in the movie had me breathless, glued to the screen.
6. She was breathless after climbing the steep hill, gasping for air.
7. His sprint left him breathless but victorious, a testament to his speed.
8. The high-altitude hike made me feel breathless, struggling to breathe.
9. The race to the finish left us all breathless, as we gave it our all.
10. The breathtaking view left us speechless, unable to find words.
11. Her voice was breathless with excitement, conveying her joy.
12. The movie's suspenseful scenes left us breathless, on the edge of our seats.
13. The thrilling roller coaster ride left me breathless, my heart racing.
14. The intense workout made me feel breathless, pushing my limits.
15. He spoke in a breathless whisper, revealing a secret.
16. The news of their engagement left me breathless, pleasantly surprised.
17. His performance left the audience breathless, in awe of his talent.
18. The breathtaking beauty of the sunset was awe-inspiring, a sight to behold.
19. The unexpected twist in the plot left viewers breathless, in shock.
20. The passionate kiss left them both breathless, lost in the moment.
21. The fast-paced thriller had me reading breathlessly, eager to know what happened next.
22. The breathtaking athleticism of the gymnast impressed all, leaving us in admiration.
23. She finished the marathon feeling exhilarated but breathless, proud of her accomplishment.
24. The breathtaking acrobatics of the circus act amazed us, defying gravity.
25. The breathless anticipation before the big reveal was palpable, as we waited with bated breath.
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Suffix -less, TOEFL 4, High School 7, Ailments and Ill-Health
Synonyms for breathless
Quiz categories containing breathless
winded, calm, relaxed, composed