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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



perfect, flawed, imperfect, blemished





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Dictionary definition of flawless

Entirely free from defects, imperfections, or errors, possessing a quality of perfection that leaves no room for criticism or improvement.
"Her flawless performance left the audience in awe."

Detailed meaning of flawless

When something is referred to as flawless, it signifies that it is impeccable and exhibits a standard of excellence that is beyond reproach. This term can be applied to various aspects of life, such as a flawless diamond with no blemishes, a flawless performance that is executed perfectly without mistakes, or a flawless argument that is devoid of any logical errors. "Flawless" underscores the idea of complete and unblemished perfection, emphasizing the absence of any faults or shortcomings in the subject, whether it's an object, action, or idea.

Example sentences of flawless

1. Her performance on the piano was flawless, leaving the audience in awe.
2. The diamond's clarity was exceptional, making it appear flawless even under close inspection.
3. The actress's flawless beauty seemed almost surreal, like something out of a fairy tale.
4. The software update went smoothly, resulting in a flawless user experience.
5. The gymnast executed a flawless routine, earning a perfect score from the judges.
6. The chef's attention to detail ensured that each dish was presented flawlessly.

History and etymology of flawless

The adjective 'flawless' has its etymological roots in the Middle English word 'flaw,' which originally meant 'a sudden gust of wind' and later came to refer to 'a defect or imperfection.' 'Flawless' describes something that is entirely free from defects, imperfections, or errors, possessing a quality of perfection that leaves no room for criticism or improvement. The term embodies the idea of an absence of flaws or blemishes, emphasizing the pristine and impeccable nature of the object or condition in question. 'Flawless' is a word that characterizes things or situations that meet the highest standards of quality and excellence, reflecting the human capacity to recognize and appreciate the pursuit of perfection in various aspects of life, from art and craftsmanship to character and performance.

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Further usage examples of flawless

1. The sunset over the ocean was a flawless display of vibrant colors blending seamlessly.
2. His flawless memory allowed him to recite the entire poem without a single mistake.
3. The tailor's craftsmanship resulted in a flawless fit for the wedding gown.
4. The detective's investigation was flawless, uncovering every detail of the complex case.
5. The painting's brushwork was so precise that it appeared almost flawless.
6. The new sports car's design was aerodynamic and flawless, turning heads wherever it went.
7. The presentation was delivered flawlessly, impressing both clients and colleagues.
8. Her flawless skin was a result of diligent skincare and a healthy lifestyle.
9. The archer's aim was flawless, hitting the bullseye with each arrow.
10. The choreography of the dance routine was flawless, captivating the entire audience.
11. The renovation transformed the old building into a modern space with flawless architecture.
12. The singer's performance of the difficult song was flawless, showcasing her vocal range.
13. The written report was edited meticulously, resulting in a flawless document.
14. The athlete's execution of the high jump was flawless, setting a new personal record.


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