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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce forgery (audio)

Dictionary definition of forgery

The act of producing or creating a fake or fraudulent copy of something with the intent to deceive or mislead others.
"The museum discovered that the valuable painting on display was actually a forgery."

Detailed meaning of forgery

It involves imitating or replicating an existing object, document, or artwork, often with the purpose of passing it off as genuine. Forgers typically aim to mimic the appearance, characteristics, or signatures of the original item, whether it be a valuable painting, a historical artifact, a legal document, or currency. Forgery can range from simple and crude attempts to sophisticated and skillful reproductions that can fool even experts. The motivations behind forgery vary, including financial gain, historical revisionism, or personal satisfaction. However, regardless of the intention, forgery is considered illegal and unethical, as it undermines trust, authenticity, and the integrity of the original work. Efforts to detect and prevent forgery involve the use of advanced techniques, such as forensic analysis, expert examination, and the development of security features to distinguish genuine items from fraudulent ones.

Example sentences containing forgery

1. The forger was skilled at creating fake passports and identification documents.
2. The businessman was arrested for selling counterfeit designer watches and other luxury items.
3. The art collector unknowingly purchased a forgery of a famous sculpture.
4. The bank tightened its security measures after a series of forged checks were discovered.
5. The detective specialized in uncovering cases of art forgery.
6. The artist's signature was replicated perfectly in the forgery, fooling many art experts.

History and etymology of forgery

The noun 'forgery' has its roots in Middle English, where it was known as 'forgerye.' This Middle English term was derived from the Old French word 'forger,' which meant 'to forge' or 'to counterfeit.' The Old French word can be traced back to the Latin word 'fabricare,' which means 'to make' or 'to construct.' 'Forgery' thus originally referred to the act of creating something with deceitful intent, often involving the production of fake or fraudulent copies of documents, artwork, or currency. It emphasizes the idea of crafting something falsely or dishonestly in order to deceive or mislead others. The etymology of 'forgery' underscores its historical connection to the concept of counterfeiting or falsifying, emphasizing the illegitimate and deceptive nature of such actions.

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Further usage examples of forgery

1. The historical document turned out to be a cleverly crafted forgery, altering the course of research.
2. The expert appraiser was able to identify the forgery due to subtle inconsistencies in the brushwork.
3. The counterfeit money operation was busted, leading to the seizure of thousands of forged bills.
4. The famous author's signature was frequently forged by collectors trying to profit from rare editions.
5. The investigation revealed a forgery ring that produced fake diplomas and certificates.Detecting forgery in the artwork required expert analysis.
6. The counterfeit bills were a result of skilled forgery.
7. Forgery is a serious crime that can lead to imprisonment.
8. The artist was accused of creating a forgery of a famous painting.
9. The signature on the contract turned out to be a forgery.
10. Detecting forgery in documents is crucial for legal processes.
11. The investigation revealed a forgery in the historical records.
12. He was arrested for his involvement in the art forgery ring.
13. Forgery can damage one's reputation and credibility.
14. The forgery was so convincing that it fooled experts initially.
15. The expert testified about the forgery in the will.
16. The museum uncovered a valuable painting as a forgery.
17. Forgery can lead to severe financial and legal consequences.
18. The forger used advanced technology to create fake passports.
19. The company implemented security measures to prevent forgery.
20. He faced charges for identity forgery in multiple states.
21. Detecting forgery in digital documents is a growing concern.
22. The forgery of her signature was used to commit fraud.
23. The forgery was exposed when discrepancies emerged.
24. Forgery undermines trust and can harm individuals and society.

Suffix -ery, TOEFL 9, Deceit and Pretense, Crime and Offenses


counterfeit, authenticity, original, genuineness



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