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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce inoffensive (audio)

Dictionary definition of inoffensive

Not causing offense, annoyance, or harm.
"His jokes were always inoffensive and made everyone laugh."

Detailed meaning of inoffensive

It implies that the subject is mild, unobjectionable, or not likely to provoke negative reactions or feelings in others. When used to describe a person's behavior or demeanor, it suggests that they are considerate, respectful, and conscious of avoiding actions or words that may upset or disturb others. In terms of objects or concepts, "inoffensive" indicates that they are neutral, innocuous, or lacking any controversial or objectionable qualities. It conveys a sense of being non-threatening, safe, or suitable for a wide range of audiences or situations. Inoffensive things or individuals often contribute to a harmonious environment by avoiding conflict, maintaining peace, and promoting a sense of acceptance and understanding among people.

Example sentences containing inoffensive

1. The artwork displayed in the gallery was aesthetically pleasing and inoffensive.
2. The restaurant catered to various dietary preferences, ensuring a menu that was inclusive and inoffensive.
3. The television show was designed to be family-friendly, with inoffensive content suitable for all ages.
4. She chose an inoffensive color palette for the room to create a calming and neutral atmosphere.
5. The comedian's performance was well-received as he delivered a set that was witty and inoffensive.
6. The political speech focused on promoting unity and harmony, deliberately avoiding any inoffensive remarks.

History and etymology of inoffensive

The adjective 'inoffensive' can be dissected etymologically to reveal its origins. It is formed by combining the prefix 'in-' meaning 'not' or 'without,' and the word 'offensive.' 'Offensive' comes from the Latin word 'offendere,' which means 'to strike against' or 'to cause displeasure.' Over time, 'offensive' evolved in English to describe something that causes annoyance, harm, or discomfort. Therefore, 'inoffensive' essentially means 'not causing offense, annoyance, or harm.' Its etymology illustrates its role in characterizing things that are mild, unobjectionable, and unlikely to provoke negative reactions.

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Further usage examples of inoffensive

1. The advertisement campaign aimed to be inoffensive, appealing to a broad audience without causing controversy.
2. The company's dress code required employees to dress in a professional and inoffensive manner.
3. The conversation remained pleasant and inoffensive, steering clear of sensitive or controversial topics.
4. The music playing in the background was soft and inoffensive, creating a soothing ambiance.
5. The greeting cards were carefully crafted to contain uplifting and inoffensive messages suitable for any occasion.
6. Her inoffensive humor always lightened the mood at the office.
7. The neutral color palette gave the room an inoffensive vibe.
8. He chose an inoffensive topic for their conversation.
9. The inoffensive scent of fresh flowers filled the room.
10. The movie's inoffensive storyline appealed to all ages.
11. Their inoffensive remarks never sparked any arguments.
12. The restaurant's menu offered a range of inoffensive dishes.
13. The kitten's playful antics were undeniably inoffensive.
14. She appreciated his inoffensive approach to criticism.
15. The park's inoffensive music delighted visitors.
16. The inoffensive design of the website made it user-friendly.
17. His inoffensive nature made him a likable colleague.
18. The inoffensive nature of the art gallery made it accessible.
19. The inoffensive comment brought a smile to her face.
20. They enjoyed an inoffensive evening of board games.
21. The inoffensive handshake sealed the business deal.
22. The book's inoffensive plot appealed to a broad audience.
23. His inoffensive attire suited the formal occasion.
24. The inoffensive debate remained civil throughout.
25. She preferred inoffensive perfumes that weren't overpowering.



harmless, offensive, irritating, aggravating


SAT 4 (Scholastic Assessment Test), High School 12, Composure and Amiability

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