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Dictionary definition of lollop
To move in an awkward or ungainly way, particularly in the context of running or walking.
"Kids in oversized shoes always lollop in the most endearing way."
Detailed meaning of lollop
It is often used to describe the movement of animals, particularly those with four legs, such as horses or dogs. For example, you might say that a horse is "lolloping" across a field if it is running in an uncoordinated or clumsy way. It can also describe a person who is running or walking in an awkward or ungainly way.
It is also used in informal context to describe any kind of movement that is not smooth or graceful.
The word "lollop" is not widely used and it is considered a relatively uncommon word. It's meaning and usage is similar to 'lope', 'lumber' or 'gallop'
Overall, Lollop refers to an awkward or ungainly way of moving, often used to describe the movement of animals or people in an informal context.
Example sentences containing lollop
1. The puppy continues to lollop around the yard, full of energy.
2. Elephants lollop with grace, despite their massive size.
3. I'd rather lollop with joy than stride with indifference.
4. She watched the geese lollop down the lane, a comical sight.
5. Even in heels, she managed to lollop with a unique charm.
6. With each gust of wind, the scarecrow seemed to lollop just a bit.
History and etymology of lollop
The verb 'lollop' is believed to have its origins in British English and is considered a colloquial or informal term. While its precise etymology is not as well-documented as some other words, it likely developed as an onomatopoeic word, meaning that the sound of the word imitates the motion it describes. 'Lollop' seems to evoke the image and sound of someone or something moving in an awkward or ungainly manner, especially while running or walking. This word is often used in a playful or descriptive sense to convey the idea of a clumsy or loping gait. Though it may not have a well-documented historical lineage, the etymology of 'lollop' effectively captures its informal and vivid nature, emphasizing its role as a verb used to describe ungainly or clumsy movement.
Further usage examples of lollop
1. When the snow deepens, deer often lollop, leaving odd trails.
2. The muddy field made the soccer players lollop instead of sprint.
3. After a long nap, the cat would often stretch and lollop about.
4. I sometimes lollop when I'm caught in the rain without an umbrella.
5. To lollop during a race might seem silly, but it sure is fun!
6. In the middle of the dance, I saw a clown lollop across the stage.
7. On uneven terrain, it's safer to lollop than risk a fall.
8. Most people run on the beach, but I prefer to lollop.
9. Sand dunes make it so challenging; you basically lollop up and down.
10. Who knew a robot could lollop with such human-like quirks?
11. In the world of dreams, it's not uncommon to lollop on clouds.
12. When you lollop with purpose, every step becomes an adventure.
13. Did you see that bird lollop? Must've been a funny sight!
14. Shoes two sizes too big will make anyone lollop, trust me.
15. As the sun set, shadows seemed to lollop across the horizon.
16. With my backpack filled to the brim, I could only lollop uphill.
17. During the play, actors would occasionally lollop to emphasize comedy.
18. If you've never seen a lizard lollop, you're missing out.
19. It's interesting to watch people lollop when they think no one's watching.,,
SAT 4 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Traverse and Teeter, Movement and Flow
Synonyms for lollop
Quiz categories containing lollop
lumber, glide, stride, tiptoe