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How to pronounce pause (audio)

Dictionary definition of pause

To temporarily stop or interrupt an ongoing action, movement, or process.
"She had to pause her favorite TV show to answer the phone."

Detailed meaning of pause

When someone or something pauses, there is a momentary cessation or break in activity, allowing for a brief period of rest, reflection, or consideration. It involves the deliberate decision to halt the progression of something for a short duration, often to take a breath, gather thoughts, or assess the situation before continuing. Pausing can occur in various contexts, such as during a conversation, a performance, a physical activity, or even in the course of daily tasks. It serves as a valuable tool for creating space and bringing attention to a particular moment, providing an opportunity to reevaluate, adjust, or simply appreciate the present before resuming the course of action.

Example sentences of pause

1. During the meeting, he took a pause to gather his thoughts before speaking.
2. If you pause for a moment, you can hear the birds singing.
3. The dog seems to pause every few steps to sniff something new.
4. When reading aloud, it's important to pause at commas and periods.
5. The video game allows players to pause the action and plan their strategy.
6. As she listened to the music, she couldn't help but pause and sway to the rhythm.

History and etymology of pause

The verb 'pause' has its roots in the Latin word 'pausa,' which, in turn, can be traced back to the Greek word 'pausis,' both of which meant 'a stopping' or 'cessation.' The Greek 'pausis' is related to the verb 'pauein,' meaning 'to stop' or 'to cause to cease.' The concept of taking a break or temporarily stopping an ongoing action, movement, or process is deeply embedded in the word 'pause' through these historical linguistic connections. It's fascinating to observe how this word's etymology highlights the fundamental human need for moments of respite and interruption within the flow of activities and how this concept has transcended time and languages.

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Further usage examples of pause

1. The tour guide let the group pause to take photos of the stunning landscape.
2. The runners took a brief pause to hydrate before continuing the race.
3. The speaker made sure to pause for emphasis when delivering key points.
4. Let’s pause the movie and grab some snacks before the action scene starts.
5. During their hike, they had to pause to check the map and make sure they were on the right path.
6. She decided to pause her work and take a short break.
7. The runner had to pause briefly to tie his shoelaces.
8. Let's pause for a moment and reflect on our choices.
9. The teacher asked the students to pause while she explained.
10. I had to pause the video to answer the phone.
11. The music paused, and the room fell silent.
12. He will pause his speech to emphasize this point.
13. Please don't pause the game; I'm almost finished.
14. The storm forced us to pause our outdoor activities.
15. We should pause the project until we have more information.
16. The actor had to pause during the live performance.
17. They agreed to pause the negotiations temporarily.
18. The chef had to pause cooking to attend to a customer.
19. I had to pause and catch my breath during the hike.
20. The traffic signal made us pause at the intersection.
21. Let's pause the discussion and reconvene tomorrow.
22. The meeting will pause for lunch and resume at 1 PM.
23. The movie will pause for a brief intermission.
24. I'll pause the music while we have this conversation.
25. The game automatically pauses when you exit the app.


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