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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce torture (audio)

Dictionary definition of torture

The deliberate and systematic infliction of severe physical or psychological pain and suffering upon an individual.
"The prisoner endured unimaginable torture at the hands of his captors."

Detailed meaning of torture

It involves the intentional act of causing extreme agony, distress, or torment as a means of punishment, coercion, interrogation, or sadistic pleasure. Torture can take various forms, including but not limited to physical violence, sexual abuse, psychological manipulation, sensory deprivation, or the use of extreme stressors. It is a grave violation of human rights and is universally condemned as a cruel and inhumane practice. The purpose of torture is often to extract information, force compliance, or instill fear in victims and others who may witness or be aware of the torture. The noun "torture" represents an abhorrent act that causes immense suffering and stands in stark contrast to the principles of compassion, dignity, and respect for human life.

Example sentences containing torture

1. The survivor of torture experienced long-lasting physical and emotional scars.
2. The United Nations condemns the use of torture as a violation of human rights.
3. The documentary shed light on the torture methods employed by oppressive regimes.
4. The victim's testimony revealed the horrors of torture inflicted upon innocent civilians.
5. The government pledged to eradicate torture and enhance accountability for human rights abuses.
6. The international community united to demand justice for victims of torture.

History and etymology of torture

The noun 'torture' traces its roots to the Latin word 'tortura,' which means torment or torture. This term evolved from the verb 'torquere,' which means to twist or turn, emphasizing the idea of the deliberate and systematic infliction of severe physical or psychological pain and suffering upon an individual. Over time, 'torture' became established in the English language, retaining its core meaning. The etymology of 'torture' underscores the historical and cross-cultural recognition of the disturbing practice of causing extreme pain and anguish to individuals, reflecting humanity's shared commitment to condemning such cruel actions and advocating for human rights and dignity.

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Further usage examples of torture

1. The psychological effects of torture can be long-lasting, leading to severe trauma.
2. Torture is universally recognized as a cruel and inhumane practice.
3. The organization provides support and rehabilitation to survivors of torture.
4. The film depicted the harrowing experiences of political prisoners subjected to torture.
5. The survivor's resilience in overcoming the trauma of torture was truly inspiring.
6. Torture is a grave violation of human rights and international law.
7. Survivors of torture often face long-lasting psychological scars.
8. The film depicted the harrowing experience of a torture victim.
9. Organizations work tirelessly to combat and prevent torture.
10. The government faced allegations of torture in its prisons.
11. Torture is universally condemned as a cruel and inhuman practice.
12. The survivor's courage in sharing their torture story is inspiring.
13. International treaties prohibit the use of torture under any circumstances.
14. Torture victims deserve justice and support in their recovery.
15. Torture leaves deep emotional wounds that are hard to heal.
16. The documentary shed light on the horrors of political torture.
17. Perpetrators of torture should be held accountable for their actions.
18. Advocates continue to press for the eradication of torture worldwide.
19. Torture tactics are often designed to break a person's spirit.
20. The report exposed a pattern of systematic torture in the prison.
21. Survivors of torture demonstrate incredible resilience.
22. Torture is a dark stain on the history of humanity.
23. The use of torture for information extraction is controversial.
24. Torture is never a justifiable means to an end.
25. International community must remain vigilant against torture.

Burden and Stress, Conflict and Confrontation, Ravage and Ruin, Discomfort and Distress, Punishment and Enforcement


torment, comfort, solace, relieve



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