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Dictionary definition of coup-de-grace
A decisive action or blow that ends something, such as a battle or a struggle.
"The scandal was the coup de grace that led to the downfall of the politician."
Detailed meaning of coup-de-grace
"Coup de grace" is a French phrase that translates to "blow of mercy" or "stroke of mercy." It is often used to describe a final, decisive action or blow that ends something, such as a battle or a struggle. In the context of warfare, it refers to a merciful killing of a wounded enemy or a captured soldier. In a broader sense, it can also refer to any action taken to end a suffering or to put an end to a situation that has gone beyond recovery. The phrase is also used figuratively to refer to any final or decisive action that brings an end to a difficult situation or problem. In literature and media, it is often used to describe a final action or event that concludes a story or a plot.
Example sentences containing coup-de-grace
1. The final blow was the coup de grace that ended the fight.
2. She delivered the coup de grace with a well-placed shot.
3. He gave the coup de grace to the dying enemy.
4. She delivered the coup de grace to the struggling project.
5. The unexpected loss was the coup de grace for the team's playoff hopes.
6. He delivered the coup de grace with a powerful speech.
History and etymology of coup-de-grace
The phrase 'coup de grâce' finds its etymological roots in the French language. 'Coup' translates to 'blow' or 'strike,' while 'grâce' means 'grace' or 'mercy.' Originally, this term was associated with a merciful or fatal blow delivered to a severely wounded person, typically in a humane act to end their suffering. In the context of warfare and battle, the 'coup de grâce' was the decisive, often mortal, strike that swiftly and compassionately ended the life of a wounded soldier. Over time, this concept evolved figuratively, coming to represent any decisive action or blow that effectively concludes a struggle, battle, or even a difficult situation, sparing further prolonged suffering or effort. It symbolizes the final, definitive act that brings an end to an ongoing endeavor.
Further usage examples of coup-de-grace
1. She gave the coup de grace to the argument by presenting irrefutable evidence.
2. The new regulation was the coup de grace for the struggling company.
3. He delivered the coup de grace to the enemy army with a surprise attack.
4. She gave the coup de grace to the debate by presenting a convincing counterargument.
5. The final blow was the coup de grace that ended the negotiations.
6. The knockout punch served as the coup de grâce in the boxing match.
7. Their final negotiation was the coup de grâce to the business deal.
8. The last-minute goal delivered the coup de grâce to their opponent's hopes of winning.
9. The discovery of the critical evidence was the coup de grâce in the investigation.
10. Her brilliant idea served as the coup de grâce to their creative block.
11. The jury's verdict was the coup de grâce in the high-profile trial.
12. The enemy's surrender marked the coup de grâce in the long war.
13. The whistleblower's testimony delivered the coup de grâce to the corrupt organization.
14. The unexpected resignation of their leader was the coup de grâce to the struggling political party.
15. The thunderous applause was the coup de grâce to their outstanding performance.
16. The final chapter of the novel provided the coup de grâce to the mystery's resolution.
17. The release of the groundbreaking technology was the coup de grâce to their competition.
18. The quarterback's touchdown pass served as the coup de grâce in the championship game.
19. Her heartfelt apology was the coup de grâce in mending their fractured friendship.
20. The surprise plot twist in the movie was the coup de grâce to the suspenseful storyline.
21. The introduction of the new product line delivered the coup de grâce to their market dominance.
22. The heartfelt reconciliation between the long-estranged siblings was the coup de grâce to their family feud.
23. The unexpected promotion was the coup de grâce to his career aspirations.
24. The revelation of the hidden treasure served as the coup de grâce to their treasure hunt.
25. The stunning sunset over the ocean provided the coup de grâce to their romantic evening.,,
SAT 16 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Endings and Transitions, Extremes and Pinnacles
Synonyms for coup-de-grace
Quiz categories containing coup-de-grace
finale, beginning, start, introduction