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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce mourn (audio)

Dictionary definition of mourn

To express deep sorrow, grief, or sadness, typically in response to the loss or death of a loved one.
"The entire community came together to mourn the tragic loss of a young life."

Detailed meaning of mourn

When someone mourns, they engage in a process of mourning, which involves various emotional and behavioral expressions. This may include weeping, sobbing, wailing, or expressing anguish and despair. Mourners often exhibit outward signs of grief, such as wearing black clothing or observing mourning rituals and customs specific to their cultural or religious traditions. Mourning can be a deeply personal and individual experience, but it can also be shared collectively, as in communal mourning ceremonies or funerals. The act of mourning serves as a way to honor the deceased, to acknowledge the impact of the loss, and to find solace and healing in the grieving process. It allows individuals to express and process their emotions, and gradually come to terms with the reality of the loss they have endured.

Example sentences containing mourn

1. She mourned the passing of her beloved grandmother.
2. He quietly mourned the end of a cherished friendship.
3. The nation mourned the death of its esteemed leader.
4. She couldn't help but mourn the loss of her dreams.
5. The family gathered to mourn their beloved pet's departure.
6. They mourned the loss of innocence in the face of a senseless tragedy.

History and etymology of mourn

The verb 'mourn' has its etymological origins in the Old English word 'murnan,' which meant 'to feel sorrow or mourn.' This Old English term is related to the Proto-Germanic word '*murnan,' signifying 'to remember sorrowfully' or 'to lament.' The concept of mourning and expressing deep sorrow in response to the loss or death of a loved one has deep historical roots, transcending linguistic boundaries. The etymology of 'mourn' underscores the universality of the human experience of grief and the need for a word to convey the profound sadness and lamentation that accompanies such losses throughout history and across cultures.

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Further usage examples of mourn

1. He took a day off work to mourn the anniversary of his father's death.
2. The town held a memorial service to mourn the victims of a recent disaster.
3. The singer's fans around the world mourned her untimely passing.
4. The somber atmosphere at the funeral reflected the mournful hearts of those in attendance.
5. The widow wore black as a symbol of mourning for her late husband.
6. She decided to mourn the loss of her job by taking a trip.
7. We should mourn the damage to the environment caused by pollution.
8. It's important to mourn the passing of a loved one in our own way.
9. They will mourn the end of their favorite TV series.
10. Let's mourn the decline of civility in our society.
11. Many people mourn the loss of traditional values in modern times.
12. It's okay to mourn the end of a long-term relationship.
13. The nation came together to mourn the victims of a tragic accident.
14. We must mourn the consequences of our actions on future generations.
15. He will mourn the missed opportunities if he doesn't take a chance.
16. She continued to mourn the absence of her childhood friend.
17. The community came together to mourn the tragic loss of young lives.
18. It's natural to mourn the end of a cherished chapter in life.
19. As the news of the disaster unfolded, the nation began to mourn.
20. He couldn't help but mourn the passing of his favorite author.
21. They will mourn the extinction of endangered species if action isn't taken.
22. The old man would often sit by the window and silently mourn.
23. She decided to mourn her failed business venture and start anew.
24. It's important to mourn the injustices of the past to create a better future.
25. The world seemed to mourn the fading beauty of the once-pristine landscape.

TOEFL 9, High School 14, Sadness and Misery


grieve, celebrate, rejoice, exult



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