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Dictionary definition of woe

A profound state of distress, grief, or sorrow.
"The widow's heart was heavy with woe after the sudden loss of her husband."

Detailed meaning of woe

It represents a deep sense of suffering and anguish, often stemming from unfortunate or tragic circumstances. When someone experiences woe, they are burdened by a heavy emotional weight, feeling a profound sadness and despair. It can be triggered by personal loss, misfortune, or a sense of helplessness in the face of adversity. Woe permeates one's being, affecting their mood, outlook, and overall well-being. It is a powerful and evocative term that captures the intensity of emotional pain, reminding us of the depth and complexity of human suffering.

Example sentences of woe

1. He sat alone in his room, engulfed by a sea of woe, unable to find solace.
2. The town was struck with woe as news of the devastating earthquake spread.
3. Her tear-streaked face reflected the depths of her woe and despair.
4. The artist poured his woe onto the canvas, creating a masterpiece of melancholy.
5. The old man's eyes held a lifetime of woe, telling stories of hardship and struggle.
6. The haunting melody echoed through the halls, carrying the singer's woe to the listeners' hearts.

History and etymology of woe

The noun 'woe' can be traced back to its root word 'wo,' which originated from Old English 'wā,' expressing grief, affliction, or misfortune. This Old English term conveyed a profound sense of distress and sorrow. Over time, 'woe' evolved in Middle English, maintaining its fundamental meaning of profound distress, grief, or sorrow. Today, 'woe' continues to signify a deep state of emotional suffering or unhappiness, reflecting its enduring association with the expression of profound sorrow and misfortune.

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Further usage examples of woe

1. The abandoned puppy looked up with eyes filled with woe, longing for a loving home.
2. The novel captured the essence of human woe, delving into the depths of despair and redemption.
3. Despite their successes, the celebrity's public image masked their inner woe and loneliness.
4. The war-torn country bore the scars of woe, with its shattered buildings and displaced citizens.
5. In the depths of winter, the barren landscape mirrored the protagonist's inner woe and isolation.
6. The news of her passing brought deep woe to the family.
7. In times of woe, true friends provide comfort and support.
8. His eyes held a reflection of inner woe and heartache.
9. The song's lyrics captured the singer's feelings of woe.
10. Economic woes can affect the well-being of a nation.
11. The poet's verses expressed the depths of human woe.
12. Despite her outward cheerfulness, she carried a hidden woe.
13. The novel's protagonist faced numerous trials and woes.
14. The community came together to alleviate their collective woe.
15. He sought solace in music during times of personal woe.
16. The artist's painting conveyed a sense of melancholic woe.
17. The therapist offered guidance to navigate life's woes.
18. The pandemic brought unprecedented health and economic woes.
19. His woe was palpable as he shared his heartrending story.
20. The documentary shed light on the environmental woes of the planet.
21. The counselor helped him cope with his emotional woes.
22. She penned a heartfelt letter to express her woe and regret.
23. The play depicted the characters' struggles and woe.
24. He found solace in nature during moments of inner woe.
25. The community rallied together to overcome their shared woe.


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