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Dictionary definition of hierarchy

A system for which people or things are organized according to status or power.
"The social hierarchy in the society was based on wealth and status."


Detailed meaning of hierarchy

A hierarchy refers to a system of ranking or organizing things in a hierarchical order, with levels of importance or power. The term comes from the Greek word "hierarkhia" which means "rule by priests" or "sacred rule."

A hierarchy can be found in various fields, such as organizations, where there is a clear chain of command and levels of authority. Within organizations, a hierarchy can be seen in the way that different positions have different levels of power, responsibilities and decision-making authority.

In society, hierarchy can be seen in the way that different groups or individuals have different levels of power, status, and access to resources. This can be based on factors such as wealth, education, race, gender, and other social characteristics.

A hierarchy can also be found in natural systems, such as the classification of living organisms. In this context, there is a hierarchical order of classification based on characteristics such as the organism's kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

In short, a hierarchy refers to a system of ranking or organizing things in a hierarchical order, with levels of importance or power, it can be found in various fields such as organizations, society and natural systems, and it can be based on factors such as power, status, and access to resources.

Example sentences containing hierarchy

1. Within the corporate hierarchy, executives make pivotal decisions.
2. The military's hierarchical structure ensures discipline.
3. Navigating the complex hierarchy of academia can be daunting.
4. Political hierarchies influence policy-making at all levels.
5. Climbing the hierarchical ladder in sports demands dedication.
6. The upper echelon of leadership requires strategic thinking.

History and etymology of hierarchy

The noun 'hierarchy' traces its origins to the ancient Greek word 'hierarchia,' which was a compound of 'hieros,' meaning 'sacred' or 'holy,' and 'archein,' which means 'to rule' or 'to lead.' In its earliest usage, 'hierarchia' referred to the sacred leadership or the system of ranking within the clergy of the Christian Church. Over time, it broadened its meaning to encompass any system or structure in which individuals or elements are organized according to their status or power, with some occupying higher and more authoritative positions than others. Thus, the etymology of 'hierarchy' is rooted in the idea of sacred or religious leadership but has evolved to encompass various forms of organized ranking and authority.

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Further usage examples of hierarchy

1. Mastering artisan skills propels one up the craft hierarchy.
2. Industry leaders occupy the top echelon of tech companies.
3. Renowned fashion designers reside in the creative hierarchy.
4. The government's highest echelon shapes national strategy.
5. Success in any field involves ascending the hierarchy.
6. Elite athletes train tirelessly to reach the championship echelon.
7. Decisions made by the organization's top echelon are critical.
8. Culinary excellence is found in the highest echelon of chefs.
9. Financial experts in the top echelon predict market trends.
10. Following etiquette is essential in formal social gatherings.
11. Etiquette guides behavior in various cultural contexts.
12. Workplace etiquette fosters harmonious professional relations.
13. Proper etiquette enhances one's reputation in society.
14. Travel etiquette ensures respect for diverse customs.
15. The company has a strict hierarchy, with the CEO at the top and the entry-level employees at the bottom.
16. The military has a well-defined hierarchy, with clear lines of authority and command.
17. The hierarchy of the Catholic Church includes the Pope, bishops, and priests.
18. The hierarchy of the government includes the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
19. The organization has a flat hierarchy, with minimal levels of management and no titles.
20. The hierarchy of the scientific field is based on the level of expertise and professional achievements.
21. The hierarchy of the educational system includes primary, secondary, and higher education.
22. The hierarchy of the criminal justice system includes police, courts, and correctional institutions.
23. The hierarchy of the animal kingdom is based on the level of complexity and evolution.
24. He could not marry the woman he loved because her social hierarchy fell beneath his family’s status.
25. The hierarchy of the corporate world is based on the level of power and influence.
26. The hierarchy of the religious organization includes the leaders and the followers.



ranking, equality, egalitarianism, flat structure


GRE 12 (Graduate Record Examination), Authority and Control, Dominance and Dissent, Discipline and Control, Dominance and Supremacy, Governance and Authority, Social Hierarchy and Relationships, Strength and Resilience, Order and System, Social Status and Hierarchy

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