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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce imperfection (audio)

Dictionary definition of imperfection

A flaw, blemish, or defect in something or someone.
"The diamond had a tiny imperfection that gave it a unique sparkle."

Detailed meaning of imperfection

It represents a deviation from the ideal or desired state, indicating that there is a deficiency or a lack of completeness. Imperfections can manifest in various forms, such as physical, emotional, or conceptual. They can be small or significant, visible or hidden, and may arise from inherent characteristics, errors, or external factors. Imperfections are inherent to the human experience, as nothing and nobody can be perfect in every aspect. They remind us of our vulnerability, uniqueness, and the potential for growth and improvement. Imperfections can also be seen as sources of beauty and individuality, adding character and depth to objects, artwork, or personalities. They challenge the pursuit of perfection and encourage acceptance, resilience, and self-compassion. Ultimately, the noun "imperfection" represents the acknowledgment of flaws and the recognition of the imperfect nature of existence.

Example sentences containing imperfection

1. The artist embraced the imperfection in her paintings, considering it part of her signature style.
2. She saw her scar as an imperfection, but her friends admired it as a symbol of strength.
3. He was self-conscious about the imperfection in his smile.
4. The potter intentionally added imperfections to her ceramic creations to give them a rustic charm.
5. The writer believed that imperfections in characters made them relatable and interesting.
6. The chef meticulously inspected each dish, correcting any imperfection before it left the kitchen.

History and etymology of imperfection

The noun 'imperfection' is formed by adding the prefix 'im-' (meaning 'not' or 'without') to the word 'perfection.' 'Perfection' originates from the Latin word 'perfectio,' which comes from 'perficere,' combining 'per' (meaning 'through') and 'facere' (meaning 'to make' or 'to do'). 'Perficere' in Latin meant 'to complete' or 'to finish.' Therefore, 'perfection' referred to the state of being complete or free from defects. By adding 'im-' to 'perfection,' we create the opposite meaning, indicating the presence of flaws, blemishes, or defects in something or someone. The etymology of 'imperfection' emphasizes its contrast with 'perfection' and highlights its role in describing the quality of not being complete or lacking the ideal qualities, often referring to flaws or shortcomings in various contexts.

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Further usage examples of imperfection

1. The antique furniture had a few imperfections, but they added to its vintage appeal.
2. She felt a sense of freedom when she accepted her imperfections and stopped striving for perfection.
3. The tailor meticulously fixed every imperfection in the garment, ensuring a flawless fit.
4. The singer's imperfect pitch added a raw and authentic quality to her performances.
5. The dancer's imperfection in a routine reminded her of the importance of practice and perseverance.
6. He appreciated the imperfections in nature, finding beauty in the asymmetry of a flower petal.
7. The imperfection in the old book's binding was a testament to its long history and cherished use.
8. The company aimed for continuous improvement, addressing any imperfections in their products or services.
9. The imperfection in the recipe led to a delightful variation of the dish that became a favorite.
10. She learned to embrace her body's imperfections and celebrate its uniqueness.
11. The architect saw imperfections in the building design as opportunities for innovation and creativity.
12. The imperfection in the sculpture's texture added depth and complexity to the artwork.
13. The seamstress meticulously removed every imperfection from the dress, ensuring a flawless finish.
14. An imperfection on the mirror's surface distorted the reflection.
15. His only imperfection was a small scar on his cheek.
16. The vase was exquisite, save for one noticeable imperfection.
17. She accepted her imperfection as a unique part of herself.
18. The diamond had a tiny imperfection that reduced its value.
19. The artist believed that imperfection added depth to his work.
20. Perfectionism often leads to an obsession with every imperfection.
21. Despite its imperfection, the dish received rave reviews.
22. The sculpture's imperfection made it more intriguing to viewers.
23. His speech was powerful, despite one minor imperfection.
24. Embracing imperfection can lead to greater self-acceptance.

ACT 14 (American College Testing), High School 20, Middle School 15


flaw, perfection, excellence, flawlessness



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