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Dictionary definition of concupiscent
Describing a strong and often excessive sexual desire or lustful inclination.
"The play was criticized for its concupiscent themes and explicit language."
Detailed meaning of concupiscent
When we characterize someone or something as concupiscent, we emphasize a heightened level of sexual passion or arousal. This term conveys a sense of intense and often uncontrollable desire, suggesting that it is motivated primarily by physical or sensual cravings. "Concupiscent" is a word that typically appears in more formal or literary contexts to describe the powerful and sometimes uncontrollable aspects of human desire and attraction.
Example sentences containing concupiscent
1. The movie depicted a concupiscent love affair that captivated audiences.
2. His concupiscent fantasies often left him in a state of arousal.
3. The novel's explicit scenes catered to concupiscent readers.
4. Some people struggle to control their concupiscent urges.
5. The sensual dance performance stirred concupiscent desires in the crowd.
6. The music video's concupiscent imagery drew both praise and criticism.
History and etymology of concupiscent
The adjective 'concupiscent' has a rich etymology rooted in Latin. It originates from the Latin word 'concupiscentia,' which was derived from 'concupiscere,' a verb meaning 'to desire eagerly' or 'to long for intensely.' This Latin term itself is a combination of 'con-' (meaning 'intensively') and 'cupere' (meaning 'to desire'). Thus, the etymology of 'concupiscent' vividly conveys the notion of intense and eager desire, particularly in the context of strong and often excessive sexual desire or lustful inclination. This word has retained its essence throughout its linguistic journey and continues to describe powerful and fervent longing in contemporary usage.
Further usage examples of concupiscent
1. The art gallery featured paintings with a concupiscent theme.
2. The romantic novel explored the concupiscent yearnings of its characters.
3. His concupiscent advances made her uncomfortable.
4. The therapist helped clients address concupiscent obsessions.
5. The lingerie store catered to concupiscent tastes.
6. Some believe that concupiscent desires are a natural part of human nature.
7. The nightclub was known for its concupiscent atmosphere.
8. The film's concupiscent scenes pushed the boundaries of cinema.
9. The provocative fashion show was criticized for its concupiscent designs.
10. The internet is filled with concupiscent content.
11. His concupiscent nature made it challenging to maintain relationships.
12. The novel delved into the innermost concupiscent desires of the characters.
13. The magazine featured articles on managing concupiscent cravings.
14. The novel was filled with concupiscent imagery and explicit scenes.
15. The actor's concupiscent behavior towards his co-stars caused controversy.
16. The artist's concupiscent paintings were deemed too explicit for public display.
17. The politician's concupiscent affairs were exposed by the media.
18. The singer's concupiscent lyrics were criticized for promoting promiscuity and objectification.
19. The movie was banned for its concupiscent content and graphic nudity.
20. The athlete's concupiscent behavior towards fans led to disciplinary action.
21. The photographer's concupiscent images were seen as exploitative and degrading.
22. The writer's concupiscent descriptions of sexual encounters were considered too graphic by some readers.
23. The professor's concupiscent behavior towards students led to his dismissal.
24. The celebrity's concupiscent lifestyle was the subject of tabloid gossip and speculation.,,
Attraction and Allure, Seduction and Allure, Emotions and Serendipity
Synonyms for concupiscent
Quiz categories containing concupiscent
lustful, chaste, pure, ascetic