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Dictionary definition of plagiarism

The act of using someone else's words, ideas, or creative work without giving proper credit or obtaining permission.
"The singer faced accusations of plagiarism when similarities between her song and another artist's work were pointed out."

Detailed meaning of plagiarism

It involves presenting someone else's intellectual property as one's own, whether it is written text, artwork, music, or any other form of expression. Plagiarism is considered a serious ethical and academic offense as it violates the principles of honesty, integrity, and originality. It undermines the value of original thought and creativity, and it can have severe consequences in academic, professional, and legal contexts. Plagiarism can occur intentionally or unintentionally, but regardless of the intent, it is widely regarded as an intellectual dishonesty that compromises the integrity of the original work and the rights of the creator. Proper citation, attribution, and the use of quotation marks or other appropriate forms of acknowledgment are essential to avoid plagiarism and maintain academic and ethical standards.

Example sentences containing plagiarism

1. The student was expelled from the university for committing plagiarism in his research paper.
2. The author faced severe backlash when accusations of plagiarism emerged regarding her latest novel.
3. The professor emphasized the importance of academic integrity and warned students against plagiarism.
4. Plagiarism undermines the credibility of the academic community and devalues original research.
5. The journalist was fired from her job after it was discovered that she had engaged in plagiarism.
6. The artist filed a lawsuit against another artist for plagiarism, claiming that their artwork was a direct copy.

History and etymology of plagiarism

The noun 'plagiarism' has its roots in the Latin word 'plagium,' which originally referred to the act of kidnapping or abducting. This Latin term evolved into 'plagiarius,' denoting someone who engaged in such activities, particularly the abduction of slaves. Interestingly, 'plagiarius' also came to be used metaphorically to describe literary theft or the appropriation of someone else's work. It wasn't until the 17th century that the term 'plagiarism' made its way into the English language, still retaining its essence of stealing someone else's words, ideas, or creative work. The etymology of 'plagiarism' underscores the negative connotation of the act, likening it to the unlawful taking of another person's intellectual property or literary creation.

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Further usage examples of plagiarism

1. The publishing company implemented strict measures to detect and prevent plagiarism in submitted manuscripts.
2. Plagiarism detectors are commonly used by educators to identify instances of copied content in student assignments.
3. The academic journal retracted the published article due to evidence of plagiarism found in the research.
4. Plagiarism workshops were organized to educate students about proper citation and avoiding intellectual theft.
5. The student received a failing grade on his essay for including large sections of plagiarized text from online sources.
6. Plagiarism is a serious offense that can result in academic consequences.
7. Detecting plagiarism in research papers requires advanced software.
8. The artist faced accusations of plagiarism for copying famous paintings.
9. Plagiarism tarnishes one's reputation and undermines originality.
10. Professors emphasize the importance of avoiding plagiarism in essays.
11. Online courses often include modules on how to avoid plagiarism.
12. The student's blatant plagiarism led to expulsion from the university.
13. Plagiarism can be unintentional if proper citations are not provided.
14. The author's novel faced allegations of plagiarism from a rival writer.
15. Plagiarism undermines the integrity of creative industries.
16. Plagiarism checkers are essential tools for content creators.
17. Many schools have strict policies against plagiarism in coursework.
18. The journalist was fired due to allegations of plagiarism in his articles.
19. Avoiding plagiarism is a fundamental aspect of academic writing.
20. The consequences of plagiarism can extend beyond academia.
21. Plagiarism is a breach of trust in both academic and creative realms.
22. Plagiarism accusations can damage a person's career irreparably.
23. The songwriter was accused of plagiarism for using someone else's lyrics.
24. Plagiarism undermines the originality and creativity of individuals.
25. Ethical writers take great care to avoid any form of plagiarism.

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