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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce taint (audio)

Dictionary definition of taint

To contaminate or pollute something, typically resulting in a negative or undesirable impact.
"When you taint your values, you lose a piece of your identity."

Detailed meaning of taint

When something is tainted, its purity, integrity, or quality is compromised by the introduction of impurities, flaws, or negative influences. This can apply to physical objects, substances, ideas, reputations, or even relationships. The process of tainting can occur through the addition of harmful substances, the association with disreputable individuals or actions, or the introduction of negative elements that detract from the original state or intended purpose. Tainting can have lasting consequences, as it diminishes trust, diminishes value, or tarnishes the reputation of the affected entity. It is important to identify and address instances of taint to preserve the integrity and positive attributes of the subject at hand.

Example sentences containing taint

1. The stench of the garbage began to taint the aroma of her freshly baked cookies.
2. His lies didn't just taint his image, they shattered trust.
3. Don't let anger taint your judgment, instead breathe and think calmly.
4. Too much sugar can taint the flavor of your coffee.
5. The negative reviews unfortunately began to taint public opinion about the new movie.
6. Should you let a single mistake taint your entire day?

History and etymology of taint

The verb 'taint' traces its etymological origins to the Old French word 'teindre,' which means 'to dye' or 'to color.' Over time, it evolved to convey the notion of something being contaminated or polluted, typically leading to a negative or undesirable impact. This shift in meaning reflects the idea that the introduction of an external substance can alter or 'color' the original state, often with adverse consequences. 'Taint' exemplifies how language evolves to convey nuanced concepts, highlighting the connection between the act of dyeing or coloring and the negative connotations associated with contamination or pollution.

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Further usage examples of taint

1. We mustn't let prejudice taint our understanding of other cultures.
2. They say that power can easily taint even the purest of hearts.
3. I noticed a touch of bitterness starting to taint my favorite wine.
4. The scandal will inevitably taint his presidency and legacy.
5. I regret letting my envy taint our friendship.
6. Can you allow the specter of past failures to taint your current endeavors?
7. Sometimes, the past can taint the present if we let it.
8. He refused to let defeat taint his spirit of resilience.
9. A single rumor can taint a person's reputation irreversibly.
10. The haze from the city started to taint the once clear night sky.
11. Let not hatred taint your heart, nor cloud your vision of peace.
12. Will you let one bad experience taint your view of the entire trip?
13. Don't let the fear of failure taint your willingness to try new things.
14. The toxic waste could taint the groundwater if not contained.
15. Scandals can taint even the most reputable individuals.
16. A single lie can taint the trust in a relationship.
17. Controversial decisions can taint a leader's reputation.
18. The pesticide runoff threatened to taint the river.
19. Gossip and rumors can taint a person's reputation unfairly.
20. Corruption has the potential to taint an entire organization.
21. A dishonest act can taint one's integrity forever.
22. Negativity can taint a positive atmosphere.
23. The oil spill had the potential to taint the coastline.
24. Prejudice can taint one's perspective on others.

Damage and Destruction, High School 6, Middle School 7


contaminate, purify, cleanse, sterilize



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