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Dictionary definition of gallantry

The quality of being brave, courageous or noble, especially in the face of danger or adversity.

"The soldier was awarded a medal for gallantry in the face of enemy fire."

Detailed meaning of gallantry

It is often used to describe the courage and bravery of soldiers or knights, and can also be used to describe actions that are done in a selfless or chivalrous manner, such as defending someone or helping them in a difficult situation. The word "gallantry" comes from the Old French "galant," which means "chivalrous" or "noble," and it is often used to describe actions or qualities that are admirable or heroic. Someone who is described as gallant is often seen as brave, noble, and chivalrous, and may be admired for their courage and selflessness.

Example sentences containing gallantry

1. He was awarded the Military Cross for gallantry in the face of the enemy.
2. He was awarded a Victoria Cross for gallantry on the Western front.
3. After the war he was awarded a medal for gallantry.
4. The Queen praised those who displayed gallantry in defense of her country.
5. He was known for his gallantry in defending the weak and helpless.
6. The knight was praised for his gallantry in battle.

History and etymology of gallantry

The noun 'gallantry' has its etymological roots in the Old French word 'galanterie,' which meant 'bravery' or 'chivalry.' This term is derived from 'galant,' meaning 'brave' or 'gallant,' which itself came from the Old French word 'galer,' signifying 'to have a good time' or 'to make merry.' Over time, 'gallantry' evolved to encompass the quality of being brave, courageous, or noble, particularly in the face of danger or adversity. The etymology of 'gallantry' reflects its historical association with the ideals of chivalry and noble conduct, emphasizing the courage and valor that have been traditionally admired and celebrated in various cultures and societies.

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Further usage examples of gallantry

1. She was impressed by his gallantry in rushing to her aid when she fell.
2. The firefighter was praised for his gallantry in rescuing the trapped kitten.
3. He was admired for his gallantry in standing up for what he believed in.
4. The soldier was honored for his gallantry in saving his comrades from enemy fire.
5. She was touched by his gallantry in offering her his seat on the crowded bus.
6. The knight was praised for his gallantry in defending the kingdom from invaders.
7. He was admired for his gallantry in defending the honor of his friends.
8. The soldier was honored for his gallantry in risking his life to save his comrades.
9. She was touched by his gallantry in offering to carry her heavy suitcase up the stairs.
10. His gallantry on the battlefield earned him a medal of honor.
11. The firefighter displayed incredible gallantry while saving lives.
12. We honor their gallantry in the fight for freedom.
13. Her gallantry in facing adversity was an inspiration to all.
14. The soldier's gallantry in the face of danger was commendable.
15. The rescue team's gallantry during the disaster was heroic.
16. The knight's gallantry in protecting the kingdom was legendary.
17. We salute the gallantry of those who serve our country.
18. His gallantry during the crisis brought hope to the community.
19. The astronaut's gallantry in space exploration was groundbreaking.
20. Their gallantry in rescuing the stranded climbers was lauded.
21. The lifeguard's gallantry saved a drowning swimmer.
22. We admire the gallantry of those who defend justice.
23. Her gallantry in advocating for the marginalized was unwavering.
24. The pilot's gallantry in a perilous situation was life-saving.
25. The doctor's gallantry during the pandemic saved countless lives.
26. Their gallantry in protecting endangered species was vital.
27. The mountaineer's gallantry in harsh conditions was remarkable.
28. The police officer's gallantry in a hostage situation was heroic.
29. We honor the gallantry of those who selflessly protect others.

GRE 10 (Graduate Record Examination), Appreciation and Honor, Discipline and Self-Control, Fortitude and Rebellion, Resilience and Resolve, Excellence and Eminence, Praise and Respect


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